Some interesting and useful sites and documents to aid you in your scholarship search.
We are sometimes asked about just how works, and this document should give you a basic understanding of overall site processes. If you have any questions, please contact us.
The 12th Year Campaign, a combination of two national
programs (College Goal Washington and the College Application Campaign), aims
to boost college and financial aid application rates in Washington.
The website for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Gives information about how to do the FAFSA, why you need it, how to prepare for college, and much, much more.
Washington State offers financial aid programs to students who aren’t eligible for federal financial aid because of immigration status. These students still need to meet other program requirements.
23 different electronic handouts that cover 6 chapter topics: All About College & Career, Getting Ready, College Bound Scholarship, Paying for College, Applying for College, and Enrolling in College.
Are you thinking of joining, but want something you can share with your scholarship committee or other individuals? Print & share this one-page brief. Please contact us directly if you have other questions or concerns, as we'd be happy to hear from you.
The brief outlines promising practices in scholarship administration.
This tutorial will teach you how to build a scholarship listing with us. The tutorial takes about 10 minutes and will help you have a better understanding of how to use
Just how do you start a scholarship? Is there someone I can talk to? This PDF may be able to help.
If you already have a scholarship, but want some help administering it. Read here for some helpful information.
It shares tips for students and our contact information. Print & keep handy for when a student approaches you with questions about
A link to the comprehensive list of approved degree granting Institutions in Washington